
Baby On the Bus 公交车上的婴儿

  A: That child just won't stop crying!

  A: 那孩子就是哭个不停!

  B: It's been crying for the last three stops!

  B: 它已经哭了三站了!

  A: The mother has tried feeding it already.

  A: 妈妈已经试过喂它了。

  B: I guess she can't change a diaper on the bus.

  B: 我猜她不能在公共汽车上换尿布。

  A: I read once that babies' ears hurt on the bus.

  A: 我读过一篇文章,说婴儿的耳朵在公共汽车上疼。

  B: Why do their ears hurt?

  B: 为什么他们的耳朵疼?

  A: It's because of the air pressure in the bus.

  A: 这是因为公共汽车里的气压。

  B: Is it like when your ears hurt on a plane?

  B: 你的耳朵在飞机上受伤了吗?

  A: Well, my ears hurt, too.

  A: 嗯,我的耳朵也疼。

  B: I don't think that's because of air pressure.

  B: 我不认为这是因为气压。

  A: I can't stand it anymore! Let's get off now.

  A: 我再也受不了了!我们现在就下车吧。

  B: Alright. That screeching is getting to me, too.

  B: 好的。我也听到了刺耳的声音。
