
Going Slow 车速慢

  A: Why is the guy behind me honking?

  A: 为什么我后面的那个人在按喇叭?

  B: You are going too slow.

  B: 你走得太慢了。

  A: I am driving at the speed limit!

  A: 我正在超速行驶!

  B: Everyone drives fast in this town.

  B: 这个镇上每个人都开快车。

  A: No one follows the rule?

  A: 没有人遵守规则?

  B: You're the only one.

  B: 你是唯一一个。

  A: I should yell at him.

  A: 我应该对他大喊大叫。

  B: No, he'll just be even more mad.

  B: 不,他会更生气的。

  A: Good! He deserves to be mad.

  A: 很好!他应该生气。

  B: You don't know if he's dangerous.

  B: 你不知道他是否危险。

  A: I'll just go even slower.

  A: 我会再慢一点。

  B: That would really annoy him.

  B: 那真的会惹恼他。
