
Switching Lanes 变换车道

  A: The traffic in this lane is terrible.

  A: 这条车道上的交通很糟糕。

  B: Why do you think that is?

  B: 你认为这是为什么?

  A: Probably some car accident.

  A: 可能是车祸。

  B: You should switch to another lane.

  B: 你应该换到另一条车道。

  A: Okay, I'll switch to the right lane.

  A: 好的,我换到右边的车道。

  B: Wait! There's a car coming!

  B: 等等!有辆车来了!

  A: That was scary. I almost hit that car.

  A: 那太可怕了。我差点撞到那辆车。

  B: How could you not see that?

  B: 你怎么看不到?

  A: I didn't look in the rear-view mirror.

  A: 我没有看后视镜。

  B: You are such a bad driver.

  B: 你是个坏司机。

  A: Hey! Everybody makes mistakes.

  A: 嘿!每个人都会犯错。

  B: I think it's only you who make such mistakes.

  B: 我想只有你才会犯这样的错误。
