
Chopsticks 筷子

  A: What a delicious meal!

  A: 多么美味的一餐!

  B: Don't stick your chopsticks in the rice like that!

  B: 别那样把筷子插在米饭里!

  A: What's wrong with it?

  A: 它怎么了?

  B: It's very bad manners.

  B: 这很不礼貌。

  A: Oh. I didn't know that.

  A: 哦。我不知道。

  B: You also shouldn't hold them in your mouth.

  B: 你也不应该把它们含在嘴里。

  A: Where should I put them, then?

  A: 那么我应该把它们放在哪里?

  B: Just lay them neatly across your plate.

  B: 把它们整齐地放在盘子上。

  A: Chinese restaurants have a lot of rules!

  A: 中国餐馆有很多规矩!

  B: Are you kidding? Fancy restaurants have three forks!

  B: 你在开玩笑吗?高档餐厅有三个叉子!

  A: Never mind, I prefer two sticks to three forks!

  A: 没关系,我更喜欢两根棍子而不是三把叉子!

  B: Definitely! So mind your manners, please!

  B: 当然!请注意你的举止!
