
Popular Hot Dogs 受欢迎的热狗

  A: Have you ever been to that popular hot dog stand?

  A: 你去过那个受欢迎的热狗摊吗?

  B: No, I have not.

  B: 不,我没有。

  A: My friends said the hot dogs are really great.

  A: 我的朋友们说热狗真的很棒。

  B: The line is always really long.

  B: 队伍总是很长。

  A: I say we wait for them.

  A: 我说我们等他们。

  B: They're just hot dogs.

  B: 他们只是热狗。

  A: My friends said everyone should try it at least once.

  A: 我的朋友说每个人都应该至少尝试一次。

  B: Do you always listen to your friends?

  B: 你总是听朋友的话吗?

  A: No, but their opinions matter.

  A: 没有,但他们的意见很重要。

  B: My opinion is: forget the hot dogs.

  B: 我的意见是:忘掉热狗。

  A: Fine, I'm going to eat one in front of you.

  A: 好吧,我要在你面前吃一个。

  B: You won't ever reach the front of the line.

  B: 你永远不会到达队伍的最前面。
