
A New Item 新产品

  A: Would you like to try our new item for free?

  A: 你想免费试用我们的新产品吗?

  B: If it's free, then of course.

  B: 如果是免费的,那当然。

  A: Great! Here it is.

  A: 太好了!在这里。

  B: What is this?

  B: 这是什么?

  A: It's a smoothie made from chicken and beef.

  A: 这是用鸡肉和牛肉做成的冰沙。

  B: That is absolutely disgusting.

  B: 这绝对令人恶心。

  A: You didn't even try it yet.

  A: 你甚至还没试过。

  B: I already know it's going to taste bad.

  B: 我已经知道味道会很差。

  A: Please try it. You might love it.

  A: 请尝试一下。你可能会喜欢它。

  B: I'll just have a slice of pizza.

  B: 我只要一片披萨。

  A: I will get that for you.

  A: 我会帮你拿的。

  B: Thanks, and take back the smoothie.

  B: 谢谢,把冰沙拿回来。
