
Buying a Bicycle 购买自行车

  A: I'm thinking of buying a bicycle.

  A: 我在考虑买一辆自行车。

  B: That sounds like a good idea.

  B: 这听起来是个好主意。

  A: Yes, it would help me beat the car traffic.

  A: 是的,这将有助于我避开车流。

  B: It would also save you a lot of gas money.

  B: 这也会为你节省大量的汽油费。

  A: I'm kind of scared though.

  A: 不过我有点害怕。

  B: Scared of what?

  B: 害怕什么?

  A: I don't want to fall.

  A: 我不想摔倒。

  B: As long as you practice you should be fine.

  B: 只要你练习,你就会很好。

  A: Yes, but I could also get hit by a car.

  A: 是的,但我也可能被车撞到。

  B: I think you will be okay. Just make sure to buy a helmet, too

  B: 我想你会没事的。只需确保也购买头盔
