
Skateboard 滑板

  A: I want to buy my son a skateboard.

  A: 我想给我儿子买一块滑板。

  B: Do you know what kind of board he'd like?

  B: 你知道他想要什么样的董事会吗?

  A: I was thinking a basic board.

  A: 我在考虑一个基本的董事会。

  B: There are many different kinds.

  B: 有很多不同的种类。

  A: Is there one that is safer than the others?

  A: 有没有一个比其他的更安全?

  B: Not really. You should buy safety equipment.

  B: 不是真的。你应该买安全设备。

  A: What should I buy?

  A: 我应该买什么?

  B: A helmet, some elbow pads, and some knee pads.

  B: 一个头盔,一些护肘和一些护膝。

  A: Can I also have some wrist guards?

  A: 我也可以带一些护腕吗?

  B: Certainly, you may choose any color you'd like.

  B: 当然,你可以选择任何你喜欢的颜色。

  A: I came for a skateboard and left with the whole store.

  A: 我来买滑板,带着整个商店离开了。

  B: Well, safety always comes first!

  B: 嗯,安全总是第一位的!
