
Different Bank Accounts 不同的银行账户

  A: Now that I have my first job, I need a bank account.

  A: 现在我有了第一份工作,我需要一个银行账户。

  B: What kind of bank account are you going to open?

  B: 你打算开什么样的银行账户?

  A: There are different types of bank accounts?

  A: 有不同类型的银行账户?

  B: You can open a checking account.

  B: 你可以开一个支票账户。

  A: That means I'll have checks to pay bills, right?

  A: 这意味着我会有支票付账,对吧?

  B: Yes, and you'll get a debit card you can use, too.

  B: 是的,你也会得到一张可以使用的借记卡。

  A: That's different from a credit card, right?

  A: 这和信用卡不一样,对吧?

  B: Yes, a debit card takes money directly from your bank account.

  B: 是的,借记卡直接从你的银行账户里取钱。

  A: So what is a savings account?

  A: 那么储蓄账户是什么呢?

  B: That's a low interest earning account meant for you to save money.

  B: 这是一个低息账户,你可以用来存钱。

  A: So that's not for everyday spending?

  A: 所以这不是日常开销吗?

  B: No, that's to save up for your retirement.

  B: 不,那是为你的退休储蓄。
