
Canceling a Check 取消支票

  A: I need to stop payment on a check that I wrote.

  A: 我需要停止支付我写的支票。

  B: Do you have a copy of the check you wrote?

  B: 你有你开的支票的副本吗?

  A: Yes, I was able to get a digital copy online.

  A: 是的,我能在网上得到一份数字副本。

  B: Why are you stopping payment on this check?

  B: 你为什么要停止支付这张支票?

  A: I paid my landlord already.

  A: 我已经付钱给房东了。

  B: So you don't want him to get paid twice.

  B: 所以你不想让他得到两次报酬。

  A: I don't have money to pay him twice.

  A: 我没有钱付他两次。

  B: We can only stop payment if the check hasn't been cashed already.

  B: 如果支票还没有兑现,我们只能停止付款。

  A: Is there a fee to stop payment?

  A: 是否有停止付款的费用?

  B: Yes, there is a $10 fee.

  B: 是的,有10美元的费用。

  A: That's better than paying my rent twice.

  A: 这比付两次房租要好。

  B: I suppose it is.

  B: 我想是的。
