
Asking about Fees 咨询费用

  A: What fees does this bank charge?

  A: 这家银行收取什么费用?

  B: There are different fees depending on the kind of account you have with us.

  B: 根据您在我们的账户类型,有不同的费用。

  A: I have a basic checking account.

  A: 我有一个基本的支票账户。

  B: There is no fee for a basic checking account unless you have less than the minimum balance.

  B: 除非您的存款余额低于最低限额,否则基本支票账户不收取任何费用。

  A: How much is the minimum balance?

  A: 最低余额是多少?

  B: You need to have at least $25.00 in your account everyday or else you will pay an $8 monthly fee.

  B: 您每天至少需要在账户中存入25.00美元,否则您将支付8美元的月费。

  A: Are there overdraft charges?

  A: 有透支费用吗?

  B: Yes, for each overdraft there is a $35 fee.

  B: 是的,每次透支都要支付35美元的费用。

  A: What about ATM fees?

  A: ATM费用呢?

  B: If you use one of our ATMs there is no fee.

  B: 如果您使用我们的自动取款机,则不收取任何费用。

  A: What if I use another bank's ATM?

  A: 如果我使用另一家银行的自动取款机怎么办?

  B: Then you will be charged $2.00

  B: 那么你将被收取2.00美元
