
  Going to the Movies


  A: Doesn't that new Godzilla movie look good?

  A: 那部新的哥斯拉电影好看吗?

  B: The effects are much better than in the old movies.

  B: 效果比老电影好得多。

  A: The storyline sounds interesting, too.

  A: 故事情节听起来也很有趣。

  B: Do you want to go watch it now?

  B: 你现在想去看吗?

  A: Alright! I'll check the show times.

  A: 好吧!我会查一下演出时间。

  B: When is the closest show time?

  B: 最近的演出时间是什么时候?

  A: There's one showing in fifteen minutes, and another in an hour.

  A: 15分钟后有一场演出,一小时后还有一场。

  B: The theater is more than fifteen minutes away.

  B: 剧院距离酒店有15分钟的路程。

  A: Let's go to the one in an hour, then.

  A: 那我们一小时后去看电影吧。

  B: We'll still have some time before it starts.

  B: 我们还有一段时间才能开始。

  A: That's okay. We can have lunch while we wait.

  A: 没关系。我们可以一边等一边吃午饭。

  B: We'd better get going if we're going to make it on time.

  B: 如果我们要准时到达,我们最好出发。
