
  You Need Coffee


  A: I feel so sleepy this morning.

  A: 今天早上我觉得很困。

  B: Why are you so tired? It's not like you.

  B: 你为什么这么累?它不像你。

  A: I was working late last night and didn't get much sleep.

  A: 我昨晚工作到很晚,没睡好觉。

  B: Maybe you should drink some coffee.

  B: 也许你应该喝点咖啡。

  A: I hear coffee stunts your growth.

  A: 我听说咖啡会阻碍你的成长。

  B: That's only if you drink it when you're young.

  B: 这只有在你年轻的时候喝。

  A: Coffee also stains your teeth brown.

  A: 咖啡也会把你的牙齿染成棕色。

  B: Just rinse your mouth when you finish drinking it.

  B: 喝完后漱口。

  A: It's too hot to drink coffee, anyways.

  A: 无论如何,天太热了,不能喝咖啡。

  B: There are also iced coffee drinks you can try.

  B: 还有冰咖啡饮料你可以试试。

  A: I guess an iced coffee does sound pretty good.

  A: 我想冰咖啡听起来不错。

  B: It's my treat. Maybe once you have some, you'll be more interesting to talk to.

  B: 这是我请客。也许一旦你有了一些,你会更感兴趣。
