
  Banquet Attire


  A: What are you wearing to the banquet tomorrow?

  A: 明天的宴会你穿什么?

  B: I'm not sure yet. What about you?

  B: 我还不确定。那你呢?

  A: I saw a dress I liked, but it was very expensive.

  A: 我看到了一件我喜欢的衣服,但很贵。

  B: Maybe you can get a job to raise the money.

  B: 也许你可以找份工作来筹集资金。

  A: I don't think I'll make enough money to buy it on time.

  A: 我想我挣不到足够的钱按时买它。

  B: Women's clothing is so expensive.

  B: 女装太贵了。

  A: Tell me about it.

  A: 告诉我吧。

  B: Men's suits can be expensive, too.

  B: 男士西装也可能很贵。

  A: Maybe I can rent a nice dress.

  A: 也许我可以租一件漂亮的衣服。

  B: That's a great idea! Where can you do that?

  B: 这是个好主意!你在哪里可以做到这一点?

  A: I'll just find a store online and then go pick up the clothes.

  A: 我会在网上找一家商店,然后去买衣服。

  B: Give me the website so I can rent my dress, too.

  B: 把网站给我,我也可以租衣服。
