
  Sending Invitations


  A: Do you know John's address?

  A: 你知道约翰的地址吗?

  B: No, I don't. Why do you need it?

  B: 不,我没有。你为什么需要它?

  A: I want to invite his son to my daughter's party.

  A: 我想邀请他的儿子参加我女儿的聚会。

  B: Wow, how old will she be?

  B: 哇,她多大了?

  A: She will be four next week.

  A: 她下周就四岁了。

  B: Children grow like weeds.

  B: 孩子长得像杂草。

  A: Yes, they do. His son is almost five now.

  A: 是的,他们有。他的儿子现在快五岁了。

  B: Why doesn't she give it to him at school?

  B: 她为什么不在学校给他?

  A: I am afraid one of them will lose it.

  A: 我担心他们中的一个会失去它。

  B: Send John a message and ask him his address.

  B: 给约翰捎个口信,问问他的地址。

  A: I guess I will have to.

  A: 我想我必须这样做。

  B: Either way, I'm sure they will come to the party.

  B: 不管怎样,我相信他们会来参加聚会的。
