
  Amusement Parks


  A: I've never been to an amusement park.

  A: 我从未去过游乐园。

  B: Amusement parks are fun!

  B: 游乐场很有趣!

  A: What is there to do there?

  A: 那里有什么可做的?

  B: There are lots of games to play, and rides to enjoy.

  B: 有很多游戏可以玩,有很多游乐设施可以享受。

  A: Is it expensive to go to one?

  A: 去一家贵吗?

  B: It depends on how much you spend during the day.

  B: 这取决于你一天花了多少钱。

  A: What about admission?

  A: 入学怎么办?

  B: Admission prices depend on the park.

  B: 门票价格取决于公园。

  A: I would like to go to one.

  A: 我想去一家。

  B: Just make sure you don't eat before riding the rides!

  B: 只需确保在乘坐游乐设施之前不要进食!

  A: Why not?

  A: 为什么不呢?

  B: Just trust me, it will ruin your day.

  B: 相信我,这会毁了你的一天。
