
  Caught a Cold


  A: I think I'm going to head home.

  A: 我想我要回家了。

  B: Already? It's only midday!

  B: 已经?现在才中午!

  A: I think I have a fever.

  A: 我想我发烧了。

  B: That's terrible! Does your head hurt?

  B: 太可怕了!你的头疼吗?

  A: Yes, it's killing me!

  A: 是的,我快死了!

  B: You should go home if you're not feeling well.

  B: 如果你不舒服,你应该回家。

  A: I'm going to tell the boss that I'm leaving early.

  A: 我要告诉老板我要提前离开。

  B: I'm sure he will understand.

  B: 我相信他会理解的。

  A: On the way home, I'll pick up some soup.

  A: 在回家的路上,我会去买些汤。

  B: Make sure to drink lots of fluids!

  B: 一定要喝很多液体!

  A: I will. Thank you.

  A: 我会的。非常感谢。

  B: I hope you feel better soon.

  B: 我希望你很快就会好起来。
