
  Emergency Kit


  A: Ow! That really hurts!

  A: 噢!真的很痛!

  B: Are you alright? What happened?

  B: 你没事吧?怎么搞的?

  A: I accidentally cut myself.

  A: 我不小心割伤了自己。

  B: Is it very deep?

  B: 它很深吗?

  A: I don't think so, but it hurts a lot.

  A: 我不这么认为,但很痛。

  B: You should disinfect it.

  B: 你应该给它消毒。

  A: I don't have anything with me.

  A: 我什么都没带。

  B: Here, use this ointment.

  B: 给,用这个药膏。

  A: Do you always carry that with you?

  A: 你总是随身携带吗?

  B: Yes, along with some bandages.

  B: 是的,还有一些绷带。

  A: That's a very good idea.

  A: 这是个很好的主意。

  B: Perhaps you should do the same.

  B: 也许你也应该这样做。
