
  A Disease


  A: How are you feeling?

  A: 你感觉怎么样?

  B: A little better, but it is still hard to talk.

  B: 稍微好一点,但还是很难说。

  A: What did the doctor say the problem was?

  A: 医生说问题是什么?

  B: It's called mononucleosis.

  B: 这叫做单核细胞增多症。

  A: Isn't that the kissing disease?

  A: 这不是接吻病吗?

  B: There are ways to get it besides kissing!

  B: 除了接吻,还有其他方法可以得到它!

  A: Oh yeah? Name a few.

  A: 哦,是吗?举几个例子。

  B: Sharing drinks and food also spreads the disease.

  B: 分享饮料和食物也会传播疾病。

  A: Really?! I share drinks with my friends all the time!

  A: 真的吗?!我总是和朋友们一起喝酒!

  B: Yeah, so did I.

  B: 是的,我也是。

  A: Well, I won't share with you again, that's for sure!

  A: 好吧,我不会再和你分享了,这是肯定的!

  B: I won't share with anyone ever again!

  B: 我再也不会和任何人分享了!
