


  A: 911! What is your emergency?

  A: 911!你的紧急情况是什么?

  B: Hello, this is John. My child swallowed something.

  B: 你好,我是约翰。我的孩子吞下了什么东西。

  A: Is your child breathing alright?

  A: 你的孩子呼吸正常吗?

  B: Yes, but he is complaining of chest pains.

  B: 是的,但他在抱怨胸痛。

  A: Do you know what it is he swallowed?

  A: 你知道他吞了什么吗?

  B: It was a coin. I think it was a nickel.

  B: 那是一枚硬币。我想是五分之一。

  A: How old is your son?

  A: 你儿子多大了?

  B: He's five years old.

  B: 他五岁了。

  A: Please give me your address, and we will send paramedics.

  A: 请告诉我你的地址,我们会派医护人员。

  B: Should I hang up after that?

  B: 之后我应该挂断吗?

  A: No, please stay on the line in case something changes.

  A: 不,请保持在线,以防发生变化。

  B: Alright, thank you.

  B: 好的,谢谢。
