
  Eating Doughnuts


  A: Hey, what's that you're eating?

  A: 嘿,你在吃什么?

  B: It's steamed rice cake. My grandma made it.

  B: 这是蒸年糕。我奶奶做的。

  A: Does it taste good?

  A: 味道好吗?

  B: It's delicious! I think it's my favorite dessert.

  B: 太好吃了!我想这是我最喜欢的甜点。

  A: I think I'll stick to jelly doughnuts. Do you want one?

  A: 我想我会坚持吃果冻甜甜圈。你想要一个吗?

  B: No thanks. If you eat too many of those, you'll get fat!

  B: 不,谢谢。如果你吃太多,你会发胖的!

  A: All pastries make you fat.

  A: 所有的糕点都会让你发胖。

  B: That's true, but the ones with sugar are the worst.

  B: 没错,但含糖的是最糟糕的。

  A: Sugar makes them taste good!

  A: 糖让它们尝起来很好吃!

  B: Try this rice cake. It has very little sugar.

  B: 尝尝这个年糕。它几乎没有糖。

  A: I guess that is pretty good!

  A: 我想这很好!

  B: It is! And it's healthier than doughnuts, too!

  B: 是的!而且它也比甜甜圈更健康!
