
  Cramp While Swimming


  A: Ah!! I've got a cramp in my foot!

  A: 啊!!我的脚抽筋了!

  B: Stop swimming and roll onto your back!

  B: 停止游泳,滚到你的背上!

  A: It really hurts!

  A: 真的很痛!

  B: It will stop hurting if you rest a while.

  B: 如果你休息一会儿,它就不会疼了。

  A: Why did you tell me to roll on my back?

  A: 你为什么叫我在背上滚?

  B: It's easier if you just float until the pain stops.

  B: 如果你只是漂浮直到疼痛停止,这会更容易。

  A: It hurts even if I don't move my foot!

  A: 即使我不动脚也会痛!

  B: At least your face is not in the water.

  B: 至少你的脸没有进水。

  A: I think the cramp went away.

  A: 我想抽筋消失了。

  B: Can you move your foot now?

  B: 你现在能移动你的脚吗?

  A: Yes; thanks for your quick thinking.

  A: 是;谢谢你的快速思考。

  B: No problem. Let's get to the shallow water.

  B: 没问题。我们去浅水区吧。
