
  Wait 30 Minutes!


  A: It's so hot! Let's go swimming now!

  A: 天气真热!我们现在去游泳吧!

  B: We have to wait a while before swimming.

  B: 游泳前我们得等一会儿。

  A: But why? The sun is so hot!

  A: 但为什么?太阳真热!

  B: It's bad to swim after you just ate.

  B: 刚吃完饭就游泳是不好的。

  A: Why? Will you sink in the water?

  A: 为什么?你会沉入水中吗?

  B: No. The motion and sudden cold will make you sick.

  B: 不,运动和突然的感冒会让你生病。

  A: What kind of sick?

  A: 什么病?

  B: It can make you nauseated, and you might throw up.

  B: 它会让你恶心,你可能会呕吐。

  A: How long do we have to wait?

  A: 我们还要等多久?

  B: Only about half an hour.

  B: 只有半小时左右。

  A: Half an hour?! I'll bake in the sun!

  A: 半小时?!我要在阳光下烤!

  B: It's better than throwing up your lunch!

  B: 这总比扔掉你的午餐好!
