


  A: Why are you limping around like that?

  A: 你为什么这样一瘸一拐?

  B: I signed up for the new yoga class.

  B: 我报名参加了新的瑜伽课。

  A: Did they make you do all those weird positions?

  A: 他们让你做这些奇怪的姿势了吗?

  B: Yes! Some of those stretches hurt!

  B: 是的!有些伸展伤了!

  A: I'm not flexible enough for yoga.

  A: 我做瑜伽不够灵活。

  B: I don't think I am, either.

  B: 我也不认为我是。

  A: Why did you sign up for it?

  A: 你为什么报名参加?

  B: I heard it's good for your body.

  B: 我听说它对你的身体有好处。

  A: I heard mostly women take that class.

  A: 我听说大多数女性都上这个课。

  B: Well, there's that, too.

  B: 嗯,这也是。

  A: This is punishment for your bad intentions.

  A: 这是对你恶意的惩罚。

  B: Maybe. Either way, I don't deserve this!

  B: 也许吧。不管怎样,我都不配这样!
