


  A: That's a funny-looking outfit!

  A: 这套衣服看起来很滑稽!

  B: It's a professional running suit.

  B: 这是一套职业跑步服。

  A: Why are you wearing it?

  A: 你为什么穿它?

  B: I'm training for the marathon!

  B: 我正在为马拉松训练!

  A: I didn't know you liked running.

  A: 我不知道你喜欢跑步。

  B: I'm just trying to lose weight.

  B: 我只是想减肥。

  A: Well, this is a good way to do it.

  A: 嗯,这是一个很好的方法。

  B: The marathon is also a fundraiser.

  B: 马拉松也是一项筹款活动。

  A: Maybe I'll sponsor you.

  A: 也许我会赞助你。

  B: Why don't you just run instead?

  B: 你为什么不直接跑呢?

  A: Are you calling me fat?

  A: 你说我胖吗?

  B: I just thought both sides would benefit that way.

  B: 我只是觉得这样双方都会受益。
