
  Deer Ticks


  A: You look troubled.

  A: 你看起来很烦恼。

  B: I feel terrible.

  B: 我感觉很糟糕。

  A: What's the problem?

  A: 有什么问题?

  B: I went hiking in the mountains last week.

  B: 上周我去爬山了。

  A: Isn't that supposed to relax you?

  A: 这不应该让你放松吗?

  B: Yes, but I wore shorts instead of pants.

  B: 是的,但我穿的是短裤而不是裤子。

  A: So? It's hot there.

  A: 所以?那里很热。

  B: I was eaten alive by mosquitoes and ticks.

  B: 我被蚊子和蜱虫活活吃掉了。

  A: Deer ticks are really dangerous!

  A: 鹿蜱真的很危险!

  B: I know! I had to go to the doctor.

  B: 我知道!我不得不去看医生。

  A: Be more mindful next time.

  A: 下次要更加小心。

  B: Trust me, I will. I hate deer ticks.

  B: 相信我,我会的。我讨厌鹿蜱。
