
  Hair Brush


  A: I have so many split ends!

  A: 我有太多的分叉!

  B: How do you brush your hair?

  B: 你怎么刷头发?

  A: The same way everyone else does.

  A: 和他人一样。

  B: I don't think so! You're supposed to use a brush.

  B: 我不这么认为!你应该用刷子。

  A: A comb isn't that different from a brush.

  A: 梳子和刷子没什么不同。

  B: Combs tear long hair and cause split ends!

  B: 梳子会撕裂长发,导致头发分叉!

  A: Really? All this time, I blamed my shampoo!

  A: 真的吗?一直以来,我都怪我的洗发水!

  B: Well, good shampoo helps to repair it.

  B: 好吧,好的洗发水有助于修复。

  A: What should I do?

  A: 我该怎么办?

  B: Always brush it before you comb it.

  B: 梳头前一定要先刷头发。

  A: Then maybe I won't look like a broom!

  A: 那也许我不会看起来像扫帚!

  B: It takes hard work to have nice hair!

  B: 有一头漂亮的头发需要努力!
