
  A Hair Treatment


  A: My hair isn't soft and shiny anymore.

  A: 我的头发不再柔软有光泽了。

  B: Maybe you should do a hair treatment.

  B: 也许你应该做头发处理。

  A: Hair products are expensive, though!

  A: 不过,美发产品很贵!

  B: You can use certain foods to do it, too.

  B: 你也可以用某些食物来做。

  A: Really? Which ones?

  A: 真的吗?哪些?

  B: I heard that avocado is really good for your hair.

  B: 我听说鳄梨对你的头发很好。

  A: Oh, gross! I don't want to smell like mayonnaise!

  A: 哦,恶心!我不想闻起来像蛋黄酱!

  B: Well, other people use avocado.

  B: 嗯,其他人用鳄梨。

  A: Great. I could either be a sandwich or a salad.

  A: 太好了。我可以是三明治或沙拉。

  B: You could always use baby oil and shampoo.

  B: 你可以一直使用婴儿油和洗发水。

  A: Now that sounds more pleasant!

  A: 现在听起来更令人愉快了!

  B: If you say so. I don't mind using avocado.

  B: 如果你这么说的话,我不介意用鳄梨。
