
  Healthy Snacks


  A: Your son is so healthy!

  A: 你儿子很健康!

  B: He is already very concerned with fitness.

  B: 他已经非常关心健康了。

  A: That is so wonderful!

  A: 太棒了!

  B: He likes to eat healthy and exercise every day.

  B: 他喜欢健康饮食,每天锻炼身体。

  A: My son likes chocolate and video games.

  A: 我儿子喜欢巧克力和电子游戏。

  B: That is not good for him at all!

  B: 这对他一点好处都没有!

  A: I don't know what to do with him.

  A: 我不知道该怎么处置他。

  B: Make him some fun snacks for school.

  B: 给他做些有趣的零食上学。

  A: I gave him carrot sticks once.

  A: 我曾经给过他胡萝卜条。

  B: That's a good snack!

  B: 这是一种很好的小吃!

  A: Later he admitted that he gave them to the school rabbit.

  A: 后来他承认他把它们送给了学校的兔子。

  B: Well, at least the rabbit eats its vegetables.

  B: 嗯,至少兔子吃蔬菜。
