
  Losing Weight


  A: You lost a lot of weight!

  A: 你瘦了很多!

  B: Yes, thank you for noticing.

  B: 是的,谢谢你的注意。

  A: You look great. How did you do it?

  A: 你看起来很棒。你是怎么做到的?

  B: I started eating a lot healthier.

  B: 我开始吃得更健康了。

  A: That's too hard for me to do.

  A: 这对我来说太难了。

  B: I also exercise four times a week.

  B: 我每周也锻炼四次。

  A: Oh, I don't have time for that.

  A: 哦,我没时间这么做。

  B: It can be hard to find time. However, it is worth it.

  B: 很难找到时间。然而,这是值得的。

  A: I'm thinking of just trying some new diet pills.

  A: 我想试试新的减肥药。

  B: I suggest you try doing it naturally. I can help you if you want.

  B: 我建议你尽量自然地做。如果你愿意,我可以帮你。

  A: That'd be great!

  A: 那太好了!
