
  Washing Hands


  A: Public restrooms gross me out.

  A: 公共厕所让我恶心。

  B: They're not always bad.

  B: 它们并不总是坏的。

  A: Even when they look clean, there are germs everywhere.

  A: 即使它们看起来很干净,到处都是细菌。

  B: That's because so many people don't wash their hands.

  B: 这是因为很多人不洗手。

  A: That makes me so angry.

  A: 这让我很生气。

  B: Me too. Washing hands is a simple thing to do.

  B: 我也是。洗手是一件简单的事情。

  A: I think everyone is just too lazy to do it.

  A: 我认为每个人都懒得做这件事。

  B: It's very rude of them.

  B: 他们太粗鲁了。

  A: I agree. Even five-year-olds know better than not to wash their hands.

  A: 我同意。即使是五岁的孩子也知道不洗手。

  B: But there's not much we can do about it.

  B: 但我们对此无能为力。
