


  A: Can you teach me to swim?

  A: 你能教我游泳吗?

  B: Why don't you take a class instead?

  B: 你为什么不去上课呢?

  A: Swim classes are embarrassing.

  A: 游泳课很尴尬。

  B: I suppose I can teach you.

  B: 我想我可以教你。

  A: How did you learn to swim?

  A: 你是怎么学会游泳的?

  B: My father threw me into a lake when I was 4 years old.

  B: 我4岁时,我父亲把我扔进了湖里。

  A: You could have drowned!

  A: 你可能淹死了!

  B: I could have, but I swam instead.

  B: 我本来可以,但我还是游泳了。

  A: Is that how you plan to teach me?

  A: 你打算这样教我吗?

  B: It's the best way to learn.

  B: 这是最好的学习方式。

  A: I think I will sign up for the class after all.

  A: 我想我终究会报名参加这个班。

  B: Okay. That is less work for me.

  B: 好的。这对我来说是更少的工作。
