
  Sports Shop


  A: I've never been in a sports shop before!

  A: 我以前从未去过体育商店!

  B: I love looking at all of the equipment.

  B: 我喜欢看所有的设备。

  A: Everything is so colorful and new!

  A: 一切都是如此的多彩和新鲜!

  B: It's so that players can personalize their equipment.

  B: 这样玩家就可以个性化装备。

  A: There are so many different sports I've never heard of before.

  A: 有很多不同的运动我以前从未听说过。

  B: They have sports stuff from all over the world.

  B: 他们有来自世界各地的体育用品。

  A: I feel like I want to try harder in sports now.

  A: 我觉得我现在想在运动中更加努力。

  B: Why do you have that feeling?

  B: 你为什么有这种感觉?

  A: That way, I'll know how to use all of this equipment!

  A: 这样,我就知道如何使用所有这些设备了!

  B: For now, I think it's best to stick to the basics.

  B: 目前,我认为最好坚持基本原则。

  A: I agree, but being in here still makes me excited!

  A: 我同意,但在这里仍然让我兴奋!

  B: Me too! Especially when there's a sale!

  B: 我也是!尤其是在有大减价的时候!
