
  Four Seasons


  A: I can't wait for spring to come.

  A: 我等不及春天来了。

  B: What is so special about the spring?

  B: 春天有什么特别之处?

  A: The weather is warm in the spring.

  A: 春天天气暖和。

  B: It is also warm in the summer.

  B: 夏天也很暖和。

  A: There are mosquitos in the summer.

  A: 夏天有蚊子。

  B: There are no mosquitoes in the fall.

  B: 秋天没有蚊子。

  A: But fall isn't warm like summer is.

  A: 但秋天不像夏天那样温暖。

  B: And winter is even colder.

  B: 冬天更冷。

  A: That's why I think spring is the perfect season.

  A: 这就是为什么我认为春天是完美的季节。

  B: I think I prefer the summer.

  B: 我想我更喜欢夏天。

  A: What about the mosquitoes?

  A: 蚊子呢?

  B: I'll wear bug repellant.

  B: 我会穿驱虫剂。
