


  A: I want to take off my shirt.

  A: 我想脱下衬衫。

  B: Why do you want to do that?

  B: 你为什么要这样做?

  A: My shoulders hurt from yesterday.

  A: 我的肩膀昨天疼了。

  B: What happened yesterday?

  B: 昨天发生了什么?

  A: I went to the beach.

  A: 我去了海滩。

  B: Are you sore from swimming?

  B: 你游泳痛吗?

  A: No, I didn't go swimming.

  A: 不,我没有去游泳。

  B: Then what happened?

  B: 然后发生了什么?

  A: I fell asleep without a shirt on.

  A: 我没穿衬衫就睡着了。

  B: Then you must have bad sunburn!

  B: 那你肯定晒伤了!

  A: I do. My shirt makes it worse.

  A: 我知道。我的衬衫让情况更糟。

  B: It's too bad we're in school.

  B: 我们在学校太糟糕了。
