


  A: Aren't waterfalls beautiful?

  A: 瀑布不是很美吗?

  B: I think they're terrifying.

  B: 我觉得他们很可怕。

  A: Why do they scare you?

  A: 为什么他们会吓到你?

  B: People fall off them all the time.

  B: 人们总是从他们身上掉下来。

  A: Do they live?

  A: 他们还活着吗?

  B: Of course not.

  B: 当然不是。

  A: As long as you don't swim in them, you're safe.

  A: 只要你不在里面游泳,你就安全了。

  B: They are still dangerous.

  B: 他们仍然很危险。

  A: People are the ones who make the danger.

  A: 人是制造危险的人。

  B: I suppose you're right.

  B: 我想你是对的。

  A: Do you still think they're terrifying?

  A: 你还觉得他们很可怕吗?

  B: A little, but they're beautiful, too.

  B: 有点,但它们也很漂亮。
