


  A: I think I stepped on a snail.

  A: 我想我踩到了一只蜗牛。

  B: Did you feel something crunch under your shoes?

  B: 你觉得鞋子下面有什么东西嘎吱嘎吱的吗?

  A: Yes. It feels disgusting.

  A: 是的。感觉很恶心。

  B: Clean your shoes on the grass.

  B: 在草地上擦鞋子。

  A: There are snails everywhere!

  A: 到处都是蜗牛!

  B: They like to eat the plants here.

  B: 他们喜欢吃这里的植物。

  A: Do they make holes in the leaves?

  A: 他们在树叶上打洞吗?

  B: Yes, they make a lot of holes in the leaves.

  B: 是的,它们在叶子上开了很多洞。

  A: If they were faster, maybe they could hunt for food.

  A: 如果它们跑得更快,也许它们可以觅食。

  B: What could they hunt? They have no teeth.

  B: 他们能猎取什么?他们没有牙齿。

  A: Neither does my grandma.

  A: 我奶奶也是。

  B: Your grandma is not a snail.

  B: 你奶奶不是蜗牛。
