
  Guitar Lessons


  A: Did you hear about the community college?

  A: 你听说社区学院了吗?

  B: No. What about it?

  B: 不,那怎么办?

  A: It's offering summer courses.

  A: 它提供暑期课程。

  B: I'm too old to go back to school.

  B: 我太老了,不能回学校了。

  A: Those kinds of courses are not the ones I'm talking about.

  A: 这些课程不是我所说的。

  B: What are you so excited for, then?

  B: 那你为什么这么兴奋呢?

  A: They're offering music lessons!

  A: 他们提供音乐课!

  B: That sounds interesting. What kind?

  B: 听起来很有趣。什么样的?

  A: They teach almost every instrument there is!

  A: 他们教几乎所有的乐器!

  B: Wow! I've always wanted to play the guitar.

  B: 哇!我一直想弹吉他。

  A: Do you really think you can with such fat fingers?

  A: 你真的认为你能用这么胖的手指吗?
