
  Ceiling Fans


  A: My house is much too stuffy nowadays.

  A: 我的房子现在太闷了。

  B: It's the hot weather.

  B: 天气很热。

  A: I bought an air conditioner, but it doesn't help at night.

  A: 我买了一台空调,但晚上用不了。

  B: I heard it's bad to leave it on at night.

  B: 我听说晚上开着不好。

  A: Why can't I leave it on at night?

  A: 为什么我晚上不能开着?

  B: It causes you to catch cold.

  B: 它会让你感冒。

  A: I bought a fan, but it makes too much noise.

  A: 我买了一台风扇,但噪音太大。

  B: Why don't you install a ceiling fan?

  B: 你为什么不安装吊扇?

  A: Are they quiet?

  A: 他们安静吗?

  B: Yes, and inexpensive, too.

  B: 是的,而且很便宜。

  A: Is it easy to install?

  A: 安装方便吗?

  B: Yes. If they weren't, they'd fall on people all the time.

  B: 是的。如果不是,他们会一直落在人们身上。
