
  Shiny Shoes


  A: Are you wearing those shoes with your suit?

  A: 你穿着那双鞋和西装吗?

  B: Yes. Is there something wrong with that?

  B: 是的。这有什么问题吗?

  A: Well, they are very dirty and scuffed up.

  A: 嗯,它们很脏,而且很脏。

  B: They're the only shoes I have.

  B: 这是我仅有的鞋子。

  A: Your shoes are fine, but you should shine them.

  A: 你的鞋很好,但你应该擦鞋。

  B: Do I have to?

  B: 我必须这样做吗?

  A: It would make a good impression.

  A: 这会给人留下好印象。

  B: How does being shiny make a good impression?

  B: 闪亮如何给人留下好印象?

  A: Your employer will think you're very neat.

  A: 你的雇主会认为你很整洁。

  B: Is that important?

  B: 这很重要吗?

  A: A neat person is more likely to be hired.

  A: 整洁的人更有可能被雇佣。

  B: Unless they're late for work from shining their shoes.

  B: 除非他们因为擦鞋而迟到。
