
  Rain Gods


  A: It's been very sunny lately, hasn't it?

  A: 最近天气很晴朗,不是吗?

  B: Yes, it has. Some rain would be very nice.

  B: 是的,它有。下雨会很好的。

  A: I don't think it will rain for quite some time.

  A: 我认为很长一段时间不会下雨。

  B: Maybe we can do a rain dance and summon rain.

  B: 也许我们可以跳一场雨舞,召唤雨水。

  A: Do you really believe in that?

  A: 你真的相信吗?

  B: No, but who knows, maybe it does work.

  B: 不,但谁知道呢,也许它确实有效。

  A: I don't see how dancing around would bring rain.

  A: 我不知道跳舞怎么会带来雨。

  B: Well, it would be pretty funny-looking.

  B: 嗯,看起来会很有趣。

  A: The rain gods would laugh at us.

  A: 雨神会嘲笑我们。

  B: Maybe they'll laugh so hard they'll cry.

  B: 也许他们会笑得很厉害,会哭。

  A: I don't think I want tears as rain!

  A: 我不想让眼泪像雨一样!

  B: Me neither. I suddenly don't mind the sunny weather.

  B: 我也是。我突然不介意晴朗的天气。
