
  A New Phone


  A: Can I have your phone number?

  A: 我能知道你的电话号码吗?

  B: What do you want it for?

  B: 你想要它做什么?

  A: I got a new phone and all my contacts were deleted.

  A: 我有了一部新手机,所有联系人都被删除了。

  B: You never called me, anyway.

  B: 反正你从来没有给我打过电话。

  A: What if there's an emergency?

  A: 如果有紧急情况怎么办?

  B: You won't need me in an emergency.

  B: 在紧急情况下你不需要我。

  A: Why don't you want to give me your number?

  A: 你为什么不给我你的电话号码?

  B: I don't like giving my phone number to people.

  B: 我不喜欢把我的电话号码给别人。

  A: Alright, can I have your email address?

  A: 好的,能告诉我你的电子邮件地址吗?

  B: Quit trying to stalk me!

  B: 别再跟踪我了!

  A: I was only trying to be friendly!

  A: 我只是想保持友好!

  B: Well, stop trying. You're not getting my email, either.

  B: 好吧,别再尝试了。你也没有收到我的电子邮件。
