
Family Reunions 家族团聚

  A: Do you want to come to my house tomorrow?

  A: 你明天想来我家吗?

  B: My mother says I'm not allowed to go out this week.

  B: 我妈妈说我这个星期不准出去。

  A: Why are you not allowed to go out?

  A: 为什么不允许你出去?

  B: We are having a family reunion.

  B: 我们正在举行家族团聚。

  A: Your whole extended family is staying over at your house?

  A: 你全家都住在你家?

  B: Yes. I'm looking forward to seeing my cousins.

  B: 是的。我很期待见到我的表兄弟。

  A: Are they fun to play with?

  A: 他们玩得开心吗?

  B: Yes. Last year, we played a trick on my grandpa.

  B: 是的。去年,我们捉弄了我爷爷。

  A: What did you do?

  A: 你做了什么?

  B: We replaced his denture glue with toothpaste.

  B: 我们用牙膏代替了他的义齿胶。

  A: I don't think that's very funny.

  A: 我不觉得这很有趣。

  B: It was when his teeth fell into the mashed potatoes!

  B: 那是他的牙齿掉进土豆泥里的时候!
