
Brotherly Love 手足之爱

  A: I told you not to go into my room!

  A: 我告诉过你不要进我的房间!

  B: I was just looking for a pencil.

  B: 我只是在找一支铅笔。

  A: You are always making up excuses.

  A: 你总是在编造借口。

  B: My explanations are not excuses.

  B: 我的解释不是借口。

  A: You just want to snoop around my room!

  A: 你只想窥探我的房间!

  B: I don't want to be in your smelly room.

  B: 我不想呆在你的臭房间里。

  A: Then stop going into it!

  A: 那就别再谈了!

  B: Then help me find the things I need!

  B: 那就帮我找到我需要的东西!

  A: Fine. From now on, ask me for anything you need.

  A: 很好。从现在起,你需要什么就向我要。

  B: You promise not to get angry with me?

  B: 你保证不会生我的气?

  A: Only if you promise not to annoy me.

  A: 只要你答应不惹恼我。

  B: Deal. Can I please have a pencil now?

  B: 成交。我现在可以要一支铅笔吗?
