
Helmets 头盔

  A: Don't ride your bike unless you're wearing a helmet!

  A: 除非你戴头盔,否则不要骑自行车!

  B: I don't like helmets. They mess up my hair!

  B: 我不喜欢头盔。他们把我的头发弄乱了!

  A: It's better to mess up your hair than to mess up your head!

  A: 弄乱头发总比弄乱脑袋好!

  B: I won't fall. I'm a good bike rider.

  B: 我不会摔倒的。我是一个骑自行车的好手。

  A: Accidents happen very easily.

  A: 事故很容易发生。

  B: I've never fallen before!

  B: 我以前从未跌倒过!

  A: There's a first time for everything.

  A: 凡事都有第一次。

  B: I'll be very careful.

  B: 我会非常小心的。

  A: If it wasn't so dangerous, there wouldn't be a helmet law.

  A: 如果不是那么危险,就不会有头盔法。

  B: What is the helmetlaw?

  B: 舵手是什么?

  A: Children have to wear helmets until they're eighteen.

  A: 孩子们必须戴头盔到18岁。

  B: I suppose wearing a helmet won't be too bad, then.

  B: 那么,我想戴头盔不会太糟糕。
