
Seatbelt 安全带

  A: Did you fasten your seatbelt?

  A: 你系好安全带了吗?

  B: It bothers my neck.

  B: 它困扰着我的脖子。

  A: Just adjust the strap so it doesn't bother you.

  A: 只需调整皮带,使其不会打扰您。

  B: The sun makes it too hot.

  B: 太阳晒得太热了。

  A: Stop making excuses and put it on.

  A: 别再找借口了,穿上它。

  B: I don't like wearing it.

  B: 我不喜欢穿它。

  A: Most of the people who die in car accidents don't wear them.

  A: 大多数死于车祸的人都不穿。

  B: I trust you not to crash the car.

  B: 我相信你不会撞车。

  A: I don't trust the other drivers not to crash into me.

  A: 我不相信其他司机不会撞到我。

  B: It'll be fine.

  B: 没事的。

  A: If you don't wear it, I won't drive you anywhere.

  A: 如果你不穿,我就不会开车送你去任何地方。

  B: Fine, I'm putting it on now.

  B: 好吧,我现在穿上。
