
Pepper Spray 防狼喷雾

  A: My dad bought me a can of pepper spray.

  A: 我爸爸给我买了一罐胡椒喷雾。

  B: Isn't that what police use on bad guys?

  B: 这不是警察用来对付坏人的吗?

  A: Yes, it's supposed to sting your eyes.

  A: 是的,它应该会刺痛你的眼睛。

  B: Why did he get you such a thing?

  B: 他为什么给你弄到这样的东西?

  A: I feel safer walking at night with it.

  A: 我觉得晚上带着它走路更安全。

  B: Aren't you afraid you'll use it wrong?

  B: 你不怕用错吗?

  A: No, it's pretty easy to spray.

  A: 不,它很容易喷洒。

  B: What if it gets into your eyes and not the bad guys'?

  B: 如果它进入你的眼睛而不是坏人的眼睛呢?

  A: Well, it's important to never spray against the wind.

  A: 哦,千万不要逆风喷洒。

  B: Oh, I see. Then it won't spray into your face.

  B: 哦,我明白了。这样它就不会喷到你的脸上了。

  A: Exactly. It's a pretty handy tool.

  A: 没错。这是一个非常方便的工具。

  B: I'd feel a lot safer carrying it, too.

  B: 我也会觉得带着它更安全。
