
Peeling Potatoes 削土豆皮

  A: Be careful how you peel those potatoes!

  A: 小心你怎么削那些土豆!

  B: What's so hard about peeling potatoes?

  B: 削土豆皮有什么难?

  A: You're holding the knife wrong.

  A: 你拿错刀了。

  B: What do you mean?

  B: 你是什么意思?

  A: When you pull the knife towards you, it's easy to cut yourself.

  A: 当你把刀朝你拉时,很容易割伤自己。

  B: How should I peel them, then?

  B: 那我该怎么剥呢?

  A: Face the blade away from you.

  A: 将刀片背对你。

  B: This feels a lot easier!

  B: 这感觉轻松多了!

  A: It's harder to cut yourself.

  A: 割伤自己更难。

  B: Could I have gotten very hurt?

  B: 我会受伤吗?

  A: Well, it would have hurt quite a bit.

  A: 嗯,那会很痛的。

  B: I won't be so careless next time.

  B: 下次我不会这么粗心了。
