
Sleeping with Cell Phones 和手机一起睡觉

  A: I saw a scary article online today.

  A: 我今天在网上看到一篇吓人的文章。

  B: What was it about?

  B: 这是怎么回事?

  A: It was about people sleeping with their cell phones.

  A: 这是关于人们和手机一起睡觉的故事。

  B: I do that sometimes.

  B: 我有时会这样做。

  A: Why do you want to do that?

  A: 你为什么要这样做?

  B: It's easier to hear the alarm that way.

  B: 这样更容易听到铃声。

  A: Make sure your phone doesn't overheat.

  A: 要确保手机不会过热。

  B: What do you mean?

  B: 你是什么意思?

  A: In the article, the phones heated up and exploded!

  A: 在文章中,手机发热并爆炸了!

  B: What happened to the owners?

  B: 手机主人们怎么了?

  A: They got hurt sometimes. You should be more careful.

  A: 他们有的受伤。你应该更加小心。

  B: I will! I'll leave it on my night table from now on.

  B: 我会的!从现在起,我会把它放在我的床头柜上。
