
House Key 钥匙

  A: I forgot my house key!

  A: 我忘了带我家钥匙!

  B: How are we supposed to get into the house?

  B: 我们该怎么进屋?

  A: I hid a spare key in case this happens.

  A: 我藏了一把备用钥匙以防发生这种情况。

  B: Let me guess: it's under the mat?

  B: 让我猜猜:它在垫子下面?

  A: How did you know?

  A: 你怎么知道的?

  B: It's the most obvious hiding place.

  B: 这是最明显的藏身之处。

  A: I didn't know where else to put it.

  A: 我不知道该把它放在哪里。

  B: There's a lock that allows you to hide keys in it.

  B: 有一把锁,你可以把钥匙藏在里面。

  A: Wow, really? That sounds like a good invention.

  A: 哇,真的吗?这听起来像是个好发明。

  B: My teacher has one for his room key.

  B: 我的老师有一把作为房间钥匙。

  A: Of course, the best solution would be not to forget the key.

  A: 当然,最好的解决办法是不要忘记钥匙。

  B: Definitely. Be more careful next time!

  B: 当然。下次再小心点!
